The federal unemployment numbers were recently released, and the United States currently has an unemployment rate of 3.8%. This is the lowest rate since the 1950’s. Montana is currently at 3.7%, while cities like Helena, Bozeman and Missoula are reported to have an unemployment rate under 3%.

A national employment expert was recently quoted as saying that 3% of the population are the unhirables. If that is the case, then for many businesses, the thought of hiring someone new can be quite scary. So, how do you go about hiring in a way that will prevent you from making the mistake of hiring an undesirable person?

First, be deliberate. With the unemployment rate at historical lows, our chances of finding a long term employee is quite difficult. Potential employees are “ghosting” (when the potential employee doesn’t show up for the interview without notice or an employee doesn’t return to work without notice) interviews and their jobs, when another opportunity comes along. The market for the foreseeable future is pro-employee. What does that mean for employers? You have to get deliberate in how you go about looking for your next employee. We all have systems in place to find the next client, but do you have a system in place to find your next employee? 

Second, Create a system for not just searching for and hiring your next employee, but you have to get specific in your onboarding process. Millennials are looking to contribute in their work, therefore you have to create an onboarding process that not only educates them, but also allows them to feel like a team. One famous restaurateur that I spoke with doesn’t allow a new person to serve a table for their first month. His reason? He holds an unbelievably high standard for customer service and makes this a part of his interviewing process. Then, once a person is hired, he tests the new hire on the food, beverages and accessories that go with each meal. It’s not until the new employee has a good grasp on the food, wine, spirits and approach that has been designed for the restaurant, does the employee get to venture out as a solo waitress or waiter. When I asked how he handles the shortage in workers, he mentioned that he refuses to let his customers suffer with sub-par service from any of his team.

The moral of the story is that if you want to provide a specific experience for your clients, then you have to get specific in what you are doing to meet the clients’ needs. The only way to do that in today’s tough employee marketplace is to get specific about the types of people you hire and have a specific onboarding process.

Want to learn from other restaurateurs and bar owners? Watch the interviews of many successful business people at the Montana Business Vlog on YouTube. If you have questions about labor and employment law, contact a labor and employment lawyer in Bozeman, MT, like the ones at Silverman Law Office, PLLC.


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